About Us

Just about everyone dreams of having the perfect smile. That’s why the team at The Point is dedicated to making those dreams become reality.

In our practice, we utilize state-of-the-art technology and detail-oriented treatment planning. By doing so, we consistently create beautiful smiles, enhance facial esthetics, and produce balanced bites, all while emphasizing individualized care, one patient at a time.

We are a firm believer that it’s never too early or too late to invest in one’s smile.


You’re more than just another patient with us. You’re part of The Point Orthodontics family.


Crafting a smile you love is our number one priority.


We provide orthodontic treatment to all ages.

Meet Dr. Johnson

Dr. Jason Johnson was born and raised in Provo, Utah. He stayed in Provo for his undergraduate degree at Brigham Young University before moving to Glendale, Arizona for his dental training at Midwestern University. Dr. Johnson then completed his three-year Orthodontic residency at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Dr. Johnson is passionate about his family, particularly his wife and two-year-old daughter Brooklynn. He is actively involved in his community, and he enjoys interacting with friends made in many new places. Growing up in Utah helped develop his passion for the outdoors, especially snow skiing, wake-surfing, and hiking. He played competitive tennis for many years, and still tries to play any opportunity he can get. Dr. Johnson’s wife – a personal trainer – helps motivate him to stay physically active in the gym when not playing tennis or basketball.

Dr. Johnson is a board-certified orthodontist and strives each day to refine his skills as an orthodontist by attending frequent continuing education courses. He loves helping patients of all ages grow in confidence by creating beautiful smiles.

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